Happy Mother's Day, Mom!
I love you with all my heart.
Doris Thomas
Voted Best Mom in the World for 53 Consecutive Years
Our Panel Of Judges
(Me, my sister and my brother)
"Number One"
(modified from a poem I wrote Mom for Christmas 1994)
For all the times you've shown me you care
When this boy needed Mom, you were always there!
You wiped my nose and rubbed my knees
And taught me to say, "thank you" and "please!"
When I had the colic, I know your patience was tried.
With Dad telling you to "put that thing outside!"
You dressed me, fed me, changed me, prayed for me, too!
Heaven knows where I'd be if I hadn't had you!
You stayed by my side when I got my tonsils out,
Whenever I was hurting, I had no doubt
That Mom would come running with whatever I'd need.
Yep, Mom made it better - her love guaranteed. 
Birthday parties, Christmas presents, you're one in a million.
And I'll always remember that infamous "water-mill-yun!"
Through grade school, my allergies, my teachers (though they tried),
I really appreciate you standing by my side!
Adolescence (and it's problems) came hard for me!
Peer pressure, parent pressure, things I couldn't yet see.
I thank you for understanding when I got a bit wild!
I thank you for letting me grow out of your child!
You told Dad not to worry about the length of my hair,
And gave me as much freedom as a parent would dare!
You taught me that trust wasn't given, but earned.
And that trust, when given, isn't always returned.
Your encouragement through the girlfriend that just wouldn't be,
And through all the other girls that had crushes on me,
Helped me wait for the one that would be my wife.
And I learned from you so much about life. 
You told me there was nothing I could ever do or say
That would cause you to take your love away.
I made mistakes that pushed you to the limit -
But you stood by me, and showed me you meant it.
You encouraged me when I wanted to quit,
"You started it," you said, "Now go finish it!"
That has stuck with me through life's many tests,
In my home, on the field, or here at my desk!
When I remarried, you took them into your fold,
Nonnie finally had some of "Gary's kids" to hold.
I'll always remember the smile in your voice when I asked you to take a seat -
And told you we would soon hear the "pitty-pitty patter of itty-bitty feet."
Seeing you love my children, and them loving you,
I'd forget all the problems I was going through.
Through all my ups and all my downs,
You helped me keep my eyes on the stars and my feet on the ground.
I've thought a lot recently of what I might be
If I had lost you to the cancer in 1973.
I wonder what kind of man I would've been
To have known you as my mother, but not as my friend.
Since leaving "home," we grew so close.
Those are the times I'll miss the most.
Calling you every Sunday at 10
Telling you how my week had been.
Sometimes just listening, occasionally with a little nudging,
You'd "listen to the bitchin'" without ever judging.
Encouraging, praying, and doing all you could.
If a Mom could do it, you surely would!
On Super Bowl Sunday, after the game was done,
I was kissing you goodnight, and you said, "You're a good son."
You know now how much those words meant to me.
For you and Dad, that's all I ever wanted to be.
I love you, Mama, and I know you love me.
You're with Jesus now and I know you can see
How much we all miss you, but we know you're OK
And we'll all be together in glory one day.
Many children never know a mom like you,
And I thank God every day that I do!
For all that you are, and all that you've done,
On my list of Mom's, you're my number one!
Happy Mother's Day, Mama. 
"I love you with all my heart."